April 2013 - The Beginning ...again.

April 2013 - The Beginning ...again

I was singing in a choir (...something I did now and then, because I could still do that.) And the Choir Director announced that the church was having a Talent Show. 

Perfect! I wanted a place that I could "try out" my voice, in a performance. That I knew I wouldn't get "booed" off the stage, no matter how much I sucked. 

After not singing, as a solo artist, for over twenty years. I was preparing to be in this talent show. Yikes!! I still had plenty of stage fright. I was not sure if I would get sick the day before the performance or have a horrible migraine that day. After all, my singing history was littered with my body getting in the way of performances; that was the "usual." But, has it changed? 

Yes!! It had. The only way that old "stage fright" actually showed itself, was that I would forget some of the lyrics every single time I was singing in front of another person ...all the way up through the tech rehearsal!! 
But, I was determined...


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